Sunday, May 5, 2013

Product Review: Huma Gel

I have discovered a new gel that I now use to fuel my running.  I waited until I used it in two races before I reviewed it to share with you all.  I used it in the Cherry Blossom Ten Miler and the Nike Women's Half Marathon in DC.  
Running Cherry Blossom 10 Miler with Strawberry Huma Gel in Hand (keeping up with the guys!)

I previously used Gu brand gels to fuel my long runs, but really had a problem with them during my full marathon, Rock and Roll Nation's Capitol.  I have always had problems digesting things that are too sweet....I can't eat a lot of candy with out feeling sick.  I think Gu is too sugary and sweet for me to digest and feel 100%.  My stomach hurt so badly during my full that I had tears in eyes.  I knew I had to find something different.  Now, I can't even look at a Gu without wanting to YAK! 

I discovered Huma Gel after I had already been using Chia seeds big time in my diet.  I had read somewhere about the Tarahumara people, located in the northwestern part of Mexico, who were renowned for their long distance running abilities.   It is said that before running they would drink a mix called iskiate. Iskaite is simply water mixed with chia seeds. This combination was thought to give them stamina and hydration for their long journey of running from settlement to settlement.

Apples & Cinnamon GelStrawberries GelHuma Gel also doesn't taste too sweet.  It tastes very natural.  It comes in two flavors, Strawberry and Apple Cinnamon. 

Right now, my favorite is the strawberry.

So- Give it a try and let me know what you think!  I have been really happy so far and hope that it works well for all of you...especially those whose stomachs don't do well with the Gu!

I thought this info-graphic (you may need to enlarge it or view it directly on the website ) was really cute so I wanted to post it on my review as well!  Enjoy!


  1. Colleen, can you only buy this product online? I want to try it but don't want the whole box right away :)

    1. Yes, online. In the southeast it's in some stores....they have a location finder on their website. I plan on ordering some more, so perhaps I will give away some of them so people can try them :-)
