Friday, July 10, 2015

Product Review: Rocket Pure Products

Rocket Pure sent me a stick of their Friction Therapy Anti-Chafe Balm Stick.  I've happily been using it for long runs and took it along on my very hot and sweaty Ragnar Wasatch Back trip.  It's a similar product to body glide but the key difference for me is the tea tree oil in it.  
It has many other great ingredients too!  

Tea Tree Oil not only makes it smell nice and fresh but it's an essential oil with natural anti-microbal properties. Perfect for the places you end up running this I right?  

I also was lucky enough to try the powder.  When they sent it to me I thought it was perfect timing!  I was going to be heading to Ragnar Wasatchback and be in a van with six other runners for upwards of 24 hours....things could get stinky!  I brought it along and sprinkled my feet prior to each leg I ran to help keep my feet dry and fresh.  When I was applying it, a team mate got a whiff from outside the van and said, "yum...what is that?  It reminds me of a spa!".  I love anything Eucalyptus!  

They make a few other products that can be found here:  You can use this link to get a 10% off coupon.

I have been so happy with the balm stick and it has completely replaced body glide for me for long runs!  

Thank you so much Rocket Pure!  

Note:  I was not compensated for this review, but was sent product.  All opinions are my own.  

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