Monday, January 26, 2015

The Color Run- The Happiest 5k on the Planet GIVEAWAY FOR TWO ENTRIES, ANY CITY!

2015 marks the start of The Color Run Shine Tour...all the color and now glitter!
Find your city's tour dates here:  They are all over the country!  If you don't see your date yet, sign up for updates and you will be the first to know when the date is released.

Everyone in 2015 will receive a limited edition Shine Tour Participant Kit, including: custom race tee, gold finisher's medal, tricolor headband w/ silver stitching, brand-new shine packet, and shiny tattoos. Talk about "bling" with benefits!

They are pumping up the 5k course and finish festival too! Look for a unique Sparkle Zone and killer photo ops on course. At the finish festival, get ready for confetti cannons, shimmering clouds of color, and more!





The Color Run, also known as the Happiest 5k on the Planet, is a unique paint race that celebrates healthiness, happiness and individuality.
Now the single largest event series in the world, The Color Run has exploded since our debut event. We have more than tripled our growth, hosting more than 300 events in 50+ countries in 2014.
 You can't beat two free entries into this very cool race.  Have the time of your life! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Ends on Feb. 15th, 2015

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Yes- I am a Whole 30 Drop Out

You may have heard a lot of buzz lately about the Whole30 Diet.  I decided to give it a whirl because I had a family member embarking on it and she created a group for support, so I thought I would give my support.  Please note- I did the vegetarian version of the Whole 30 as I do not eat meat.  I thought I can do anything for 30 days and it seemed pretty similar to how I eat already.  No processed foods, no added sugars, etc. 

I planned out meals and meal prepped and was ready to go.  The first and second day, I thought "This is pretty easy, no big deal".  Then I started to miss things that were a part of my normal eating quinoa.  I still don't think quinoa is bad by any means, but it is not allowed on the Whole30.  Then I really started to realize there were a lot of things that weren't on the chia seeds....ahhh my love for chia!  I made my daughter lunch one day, spelt noodles, and I wanted some so badly.  Since it wasn't Whole30 approved, it was off limits.  That act of having to tell  myself "no" and deprive myself of something that really wasn't that bad to begin with, really struck a chord with me.  I began to feel obsessed with what I could and couldn't eat.  I had never had that relationship with food and I didn't like it.  I started to really re-assess my goals.  Why was I doing this?  What is the point?  I eat pretty darn healthy by many standards already.  I began looking up online for other Whole30 drop outs or people writing about that it wasn't for them, and I kept finding testimonials that it made them feel "the best they've ever felt!"  That made me feel worse because, I am really the only one who wants to drop out?  Am I really the only one who doesn't think this is right for them?  (Edit: when editing this post, I found a great blog by The Poser Mama that basically sums up everything I am trying to say.  It's great and read it here.)

After speaking with a friend, who basically told me, it's okay to quit,  I felt that is what I had to do.  I am not a quitter, but I didn't like where this was going for me.  My friend mentioned that unless you are trying to pinpoint an allergy or an auto-immune response there probably isn't a need for the Whole30.  My hope, in addition to supporting my cousin, was to drop the little bit of extra body fat I've been carrying around since I haven't been strength training/doing boot camp.  But, I really looked at the whole picture.  I know that I could drop that by upping my strength training and cutting down a little on the beer consumption.  That seemed like a much better solution for me.

In short, the Whole30 was not for me.  I am still not convinced that beans or quinoa are "bad".  I think they are a great part of a healthy, well rounded diet.  Is Whole30 all bad?  No.  But, I do think the regular version is a bit Atkins-y with the super low carb and meat heaviness of it.  I think the positive side is it will get people to focus on whole foods, ditch processed foods and remove added sugars from their diet.  Those are all good things that we should all strive for, Whole30 or not. 

I am not writing this to shame those who are doing Whole30, I am writing to make those who feel it is not for them or those who "quit" know that it is okay!  As The Poser Mama wrote in her post, "I always encourage people to carefully assess their dietary habits and make changes when necessary.  But if that doesn't look like Whole30 to you, I want you to know one thing:
You aren't the only one. "

Product Review: Addaday Stick

Thanks to BibRave for sending me a stick to try out.  I was able to use it last night to try and roll out my sore muscles from my very hilly runs, yoga and lunges! 
I am so pleased with the Addaday Stick!  It is so much better than my old roller!  It feels so good.
Here is a quick comparison of my old rolling stick and the addaday side by side.  You tell the addaday is going to do a better job just by looking at it. 
Thanks to BibRave and Addaday for providing me with the product to test! 

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

2014 in Review and Setting Goals for 2015

It's funny....I was just reading my Recap of my running year 2013.  It's always fun to relive those memories.  At the bottom of the post, I outlined my goals for 2014.  

"What will 2014 bring?  I'm thinking another full marathon, getting my personal training certification, my RRCA Running Coach certification and my health coach certification.  I have my fingers crossed to be chosen as a Lululemon ambassador, a Zooma Ambassador and being chosen for Nuun Hydrations Hood to Coast Relay Team!" 

I accomplished some of those goals, but not others.  Honestly some I had sort of forgotten about....and some to be honest...I was probably a bit ambitious.  I don't have all that time!

Running another Full Marathon: CHECK!  I ran Marine Corps Marathon again....and really wanted to break up with the marathon at the finish line.  Read about it here

Getting my personal training certification: STILL ON THE BACKBURNER

Getting my Health Coach Certification: STILL ON THE BACKBURNER

Becoming a Lululemon Ambassador: SOMEDAY!  Hoping and wishing on that one!  As a spin instructor, I would love to have my picture up on the wall of my local Lululemon

Being as a Zooma Run Ambassador: CHECK!  I was chosen and ran the Zooma Annapolis 10k and Half Marathon. 

Being chosen for Nuun's HTC Team: CHECK...SORT OF.  I was chosen as part of Team Nuun, which I may then be able to run HTC for Nuun! 

Getting my RRCA Run Coach Certification: Coming up in April 2015!  Wahoo! 

But also completed a goal that wasn't on that list....I completed my very first triathlon!  At the Nations Triathlon here in DC.  You can read all about it here.  I finished 1st in my Age Group and it qualified me for the Age Group Nationals this summer in WI. 

What are my goals for 2015?

I want to run another full marathon (or two!).  I definitely want to go sub 4:00 as my initial goal and then run a 3:35 to qualify for the Boston Marathon.  Heck, my hubby did it...I can do it too!

I want to attend yoga once a week.

I want to incorporate more strength training.  This used to be a larger priority for me, but it let it slide in 2014.  2015 will be the year of strong!  I feel like such a stronger runner when I focus on weight training!

Let's see what 2015 will bring!  What are your goals?