Thursday, November 13, 2014


I love smoothies because of how quickly they can be pulled together with great, healthy ingredients.  I also like to balance smoothies and juices because smoothies hold more of the fiber, which is important too!  I am participating in the “Puritan’s Pride Smoothie” program and over the next few months will be sharing smoothies that I drink, recipes and great product giveaways to create your own super-food smoothies! 
October's theme was all things pumpkin!  You can check out my post here. 
This month,
November's theme is Cleansing/Belly Soother Smoothies.  The holiday season is upon us and just in time for month two of the Puritan’s Pride Superfood Smoothie challenge. It’s easy to indulge over the holidays, but, as you’ll see from these recipe ideas, it’s just as easy to take care of ourselves when we’ve overdone it. That’s why I’m excited to share November’s Superfood Smoothie recipe ideas with you. The focus is on cleansing and soothing, so we can enjoy every minute of the season ahead.

I made my smoothie using these ingredients:

Half of an avocado
1 tbsp. of chia seeds
1 large chunk of cut pineapple
2 cups of water

Blend together and enjoy.  If you like a sweeter morning juice/smoothie add an additional chunk of pineapple. 

Some other great recipe ideas:

Cleanse Smoothie
Focus ingredient:
Capsicum (cayenne pepper) is an herb that contains antioxidant vitamins A, E and C, B6 and K, making it a very healthful spice. Cayenne pepper my help to aid in digestion, which many people may need after that big holiday meal.
  • 1 tsp cayenne pepper
  • 2 Clementines
  • 2 cups of water
  • ½ lemon, juiced
Blend all ingredients together and enjoy immediately.

Belly Soother
Focus ingredient:
Mint is an herb that needs more credit. It may help to soothe your digestive system after a few too many bites or sips. Mint also has antioxidants and key nutrients like trace amounts of vitamin A and vitamin C. All the more reason to love this refreshing herb.
  • 1 tbsp fresh mint
  • ½ cup pineapple (fresh or frozen)
  • 1 cup coconut milk

Blend all ingredients together and enjoy immediately.

These recipes were developed by Brooke Alpert, M.S., R.D., C.D.N., of B Nutritious and author of The Sugar Detox, who works as a spokesperson for Puritan’s Pride.

Giveaway (over an $80 value!)

Giveaway Time! Puritan’s Pride will ship directly to you if you are the winner  I am so happy with this month's protein giveaway because the protein source of the powder is quinoa and oats!  So cool!  So if  you are avoiding soy and maybe don't like the taste of hemp, here is an alternative for you! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Interested in finding out more about Puritan's Pride? 

TWITTER: @puritanspride

What are your favorite smoothie ingredients?  Comment below! 


  1. I live smoothies and usually have one before my run. My favorite these days includes: 1 scoop whey protein, 1 cup water, 1 cup blueberries, 1 tpsb peanut butter, 1/2 banana. Yummy!

  2. Banana, peanut butter, and some blueberries, with a handful of greens is my go-to smoothie

  3. My five year old picked the ingredients for our smoothies today: whey protein, blueberries, bananas, raw apple juice and baby kale. So yummy!

  4. My favorite is Banana, peanut butter, greek yogurt, almond milk and fill the rest with spinach and blend!!! Make sure the banana is frozen! YUMMY!!!!

  5. Just started trying smoothies! Would love this!

  6. berries and Skoop sweetgreens are my fav ingredients!

  7. Always frozen blueberries, greens, and chocolate protein powder for me!

  8. I love frozen berries, bananas, spinach, and protein powder!

  9. I put spinach or kale, banana, berries, protein powder, and almond milk usually

  10. Strawberries, greek yogurt and chocolate!

  11. Oooooh bananas and acai berry powder! With Greek yogurt and protein powder, yum!

  12. Frozen bananas and berries plus yogurt and protein powder.

  13. Frozen bananas, milk, crunchy peanut butter and a scoop of chocolate protein powder = deliciousness!

  14. Chocolate vegan protein powder, banana, almond milk, coffee and peanut butter!

  15. Colleen! I didn't know you were plant-based too! I have been for 2014 and I'm loving it! never felt better. Still learning and trying new things, so these smoothie recipes are fantastic!!! I've never seen powdered kale before.

    I use a lot of frozen bananas, and also frozen spinach (I buy the huge bags of fresh organic then stick it in the freezer) I also enjoy a squirt of peppermin flavored stevia. :)

  16. I've just been doing spinach, kale & froze fruit!
